Thursday I was at the event organized by La Roche Posay: Save Your Skin. At the event, La Roche Posay reminded us why it is important to keep away from the sun and take care of our skin and especially why it is important to visit a dermatologist to check our moles.
Save Your Skin is a campaign that has been taking place in America since 2010 and provides the public with free checkouts at a dermatologist. In addition to the dermatologist visit, there is also a “technique” for checking the moles, the ABCDE technique:
Asymmetry – the mole is asymmetrical
Borders – the mole has an irregular shape
Color – Mole has an uneven color distribution: from light brown to black
Diameter – the mole is large (> 6mm)
Evolution – the mole changes its size, color and / or thickness over time.
To see who your partner physicians are where you can check your moles and make an appointment, you can enter the campaign site, www.laroche-posay.us/sos

I did a little experiment. I wore a patch one day without sun protection and I periodically scanned my UV Patch. That day I walked for about 40 minutes in the sun, I went to the shop and sat next to the window at the office. That was my exposure to the sun. Here are the results:
What do we get out of this? It’s very easy to get a sunburn. The burns from which we get red, these are already HORROR for the skin, but cellular destruction happens, as you can see, only after 40 minutes of walking in the sun. I did not feel anything, I was not red, but my cells, my skin, my body, definitely felt that.
My grandfather died almost three years ago from skin cancer. I was next to him, from the beginning, when he discovered it until the last breath. It was a tough experience for us, but especially for him. I can not really describe… But he unfortunately did not find the melanoma in time. It was there for 2 YEARS !!!!! And he did not say anything. He said that who knows, it’s nothing serious. So PLEASE! Do not ignore your body, do not treat it with indifference! Skin cancer is in 90% of cases CURABLE!
Stay safe!
Your Internet Best Friend
Joi am fost la evenimentul organizat de La Roche Posay: Save Your Skin. In cadrul evenimentului cei de la La Roche Posay ne-au adus aminte de ce este important sa ne ferim de soare si sa avem grija de pielea noastra si mai ales, de ce este important sa vizitam un dermatolog pentru a ne controla alunitele.
Save Your Skin este o campanie care se desfasoara in Romania inca din 2013 si ofera publicului testari gratuite la medicii dermatologi parteneri. Pe langa vizita la dermatolog exista si o “tehnica” de verificare alunitelor, tehnica ABCDE:
Asimetrie – alunita nu este simetrica
Borders (margini) – alunita are o forma neregulata si franjurata
Culoare – alunita are o distribuire neuniforma a culorilor: de la brun deschis la negru
Diametru – alunita este mare (>6mm)
Evoluție – alunita isi schimba in timp marimea, culoarea si/sau grosimea.
Pentru a vedea care sunt medicii parteneri unde va puteti controla aluntele gratuit si a face o programare puteti intra pe site-ul campaniei, www.protectiasolara.ro.
Noutatea acestui an este si primul dispozitiv sub forma de plasture conectat la o aplicatie pentru a masura nivelul radiatiilor UV.
My UV Patch contine straturi fotosensibile ce isi schimba culoarea sub razele soarelui. Este un plasture subtire si transparent, auto-adeziv si rezistent la apa, ce rezista pana la 5 zile. Plasturele poate fi folosit inclusiv pe pielea sensibila a copiilor. Pentru a monitoriza nivelul radiatiillor UV, trebuie sa va scanati plasturele cu telefonul, iar asta o faceti cu ajutorul aplicatiei My UV Patch. O gasiti si pe Android si pe iOS.

Am facut si un mic experiment. Am purtat o zi plasturele, fara sa ma dau cu protectie solara si mi-am scanat periodic UV Patch-ul. In ziua respectiva am mers pe jos cam 40 min in soare, am mers pana la magazin si ce am mai stat la birou langa geam. Cam atat a fost expunerea mea la soare. Iata si rezultatele:
Ce sa intelegem? Arsuri solare la nivelul pielii se fac foarte usor. Arsurile de la care ne inrosim si ne facem ca racii cum sa va spun, sunt deja HORROR pentru piele, dar o distrugere la nivel celular se intampla, dupa cum vedeti, si dupa 40 min de plimbat prin soare. Eu nu am simtit nimic, nu ma ustura pielea, nu eram rosie, dar celulele mele, pielea, organismul, cu siguranta a simtit asta.
Bunicul meu a murit acum aproape 3 ani de cancer de piele. Am fost langa el, de la inceput, de cand l-a descoeprit pana la ultima suflare. A fost o experienta grea si pentru noi, dar mai ales pentru el. Efectiv nu pot sa va descriu… Dar el din pacate nu a descoperit melanomul din timp. Il avea pe spate de 2 ANI!!!!! Si nu a spus nimic. A zis ca cine stie, nu-i nimic grav. Asa ca VA ROG! Nu va ignorati corpul, nu il tratati cu indiferenta! Cancerul de piele este in 90% din cazuri VINDECABIL!
Stay safe!
Your Internet Best Friend
1 comment
Nice answers in return of this matter with firm arguments and explaining all concerning that.