Power walking has several advantages. First of all, it is probably the safest form of sport available and can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, at any time, without the need for a complex equipment, only a training suit and some sports shoes. It can be incorporated into any program, even if you work a lot of hours a day or not, even if you have done sports or not, even if you are young or old, it is safe even for people with various diseases and pregnant women after a medical check , of course. It is a form of movement that, unlike running, has a very low impact on the joints, protects the knees and especially does not expose the heart to a great deal of stress.
For power walking to have an effect, the training regime must be serious. Do not confuse the stroll through the shops or even the leisure walks for a sport. Ala is not sports, it’s relaxation. Sessions of about 40 minutes a day of fast walking are recommended, sessions that are not interrupted by anything (frequent stops, obstacles, intersections, etc.). It’s a great workout for those who want to lose weight because it involves a lower heart rate, somewhere in the “fat burn” zone, roughly between 60-70 percent of the heart’s capacity. In this zone the body will burn predominantly adipose tissue and very little muscle (what we want when we want to lose weight). And if you ask why we do not want to burn muscle and ideas like “but I do not want to be muscular” pop in your head, I will briefly say two things: 1. Muscles are the ones that maintain a high metabolism, meaning high calorie burns, that is, burning the cheescake you ate faster. 2. It is difficult to gain muscles! Extremely, especially as we women do not have testosterone. But about this more details in another post.
The idea is to maintain a constant speed and to have a relevant indicator, it is very simple to look after the limit between walking and running. That is, to go fast enough to be at the point where you would normally start running. The longer you keep the pace constant, the better (that is, the more fat we burn). I suppose it makes no sense to explain how important it is to properly hydrate and to have a proper nutrition. After training, the body will release endorphins and you will feel much better. It would be good for the training to be completed with a 5-10 minutes of stretching, which plays a vital role in preventing injuries and a good muscle development.
Such a training helps you to get into shape, especially if you have been sedentary or have not practiced sports for a long time and burn more calories than jogging would, making it harder to walk at a faster speed, than running at a lower speed.
Think that this type of training is being practiced by bodybuilders, at the end of the weight training, somewhere around 20-30 minutes, to burn the last traces of fat on the muscles. If you try this kind of training, let me know! And of course, any questions you have, I’m here!
Go, go, go!
Your Internet Best friend
Mersul pe jos are mai multe avantaje. In primul rand este probabil cea mai sigura forma de sport disponibila, putand fi practicat de oricine, oriunde, la orice ora, fara a fi necesar un echipament complex, doar un trening si niste incaltari sport. Poate fi incorporat in orice program, chiar daca muncesti multe ore pe zi sau nu, chiar daca ai mai facut sport sau nu, chiar daca esti tanar sau batran, este sigur chiar si pentru persoanele cu diverse afectiuni si femeile insarcinate, dupa un control medical, desigur. Este o forma de miscare, ce spre deosebire de alergare, presupune un impact foarte redus asupra articulatiilor, protejeaza genunchii si mai ales nu supune inima la un stres mare.
Ca mersul pe jos sa aiba un efect, regimul de antrenament trebuie insa sa fie unul serios. Nu confundati plimbarea prin magazine sau chiar si cea de agrement ca fiind sport. Ala nu este sport, este relaxare. Recomandate sunt sesiuni de cca 40 min pe zi de mers rapid, precedate bineinteles de o incalzire usoara, sesiuni care sa nu fie intrerupte de nimic ( opriri dese, obstacole, intersectii, etc). Este un antrenament foarte bun pentru cei care vor sa slabeasca, deoarece presupune un ritm cardiac mai scazut, undeva in zona de “fat burn”, aproximativ intre 60-70 la suta din capacitatea inimii. In zona asta corpul va arde predominant tesutul adipos si foarte putin din muschi (ceea ce ne si dorim atunci cand vrem sa slabim). Iar daca va intrebati de ce nu vrem sa ardem si din muschi si va vin idei de genul “dar eu nu vreau sa fiu musculoasa” in cap, va zic pe scurt doua lucruri: 1. Muschii sunt cei care ne mentin un metabolism ridicat, adica arderi mari, adica ardeti mai repede cheescake-ul. 2. Este extreeeeem de greu sa faci muschi! Extrem, mai ales ca noi femeile nu avem testosteron. Dar despre acest aspect mai multe detalii in alta postare.
Ideea este sa mentinem o viteza constanta si ca sa avem un indicator relevant, e foarte simplu sa ne orientam dupa limita dintre mers si alergare. Adica sa mergem suficient de repede incat sa fim la punctul la care in mod normal am incepe sa alergam. Cu cat mentinem viteza constanta pe tot parcursul antrenamentului cu atat mai bine (adica cu atat vom arde mai multa grasime). Presupun ca nu mai are sens sa explic cat de important este sa ne hidratam corespunzator si sa avem si o nutritie adecvata. Dupa antrenament, corpul va elibera endorfine si o sa va simtiti mult mai bine. Ar fi bine ca antrenamentul sa fie incheiat cu 5-10 min de stretching, care are un rol vital in prevenirea accidentarilor si in dezvoltarea musculara.
Un astfel de antrenament ajuta foarte mult la intrarea in forma, mai ales daca pana acum ati fost sedentari sau daca nu ati mai practicat sport de foarte mult timp si arde de mult mai multe ori calorii decat joggingul, fiind mai greu sa mergi la o viteza mare decat sa alergi la o viteza mica.
Ganditi-va ca acest tip de antrenament este practicat de culturisti, la sfarsitul antrenamentului cu greutati, undeva la 20-30 min pentru a arde si ultimele urme de grasime de pe muschi. Daca va apucati de sport sau incercati genul acesta de antrenament, let me know! Si desigur, orice intrebari aveti, sunt aici!
Go, go, go!
Your Internet Best friend