Last week I was on vacation in Vienna. It was the first time I visited the city. What I liked the most where the buildings and the feeling you have when you walk through the city center. It is a very pleasant atmosphere, especially because you can even see carriages with tourists passing by. It really gives you a feeling of old imperial Vienna. We took a few pictures showing you my outfit and how I decided to “match” with the city and of course, a new idea of how to dress when your bump starts to grow.
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Zara beanie
Saptamana trecuta am fost in vacanta in Vienna. A fost pentru prima data cand am vizitat orasul. Cel mai mult mi-au placut cladirile si sentimentul pe care il ai cand te plimbi prin centru. Este o atmosfera foarte placuta, mai ales ca vezi chiar trasuri care trec si plimba turisti. Chiar iti da asa un sentiment de Vienna de alta data. Am facut si cateva poze in care va arat si cum am decis eu sa ma “asortez” cu orasul si desigur, o noua idee de cum sa te imbraci cand incepe sa iti creasca burtica de graviduta.
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