It’s time to talk about the new Naked Heat palette from Urban Decay. Several Naked palettes were released in the past, but they all were in the neutral shade area. This is the first palette that has warmer, more vibrant colors. I could say it’s my favourite palette of them all in the Naked collection.
Like the other pallets, it has 12 shades. 7 are matte and 5 shimmery. The eyeshadows are of the same quality as the other palettes, they are creamy to the touch, they blend very nice and are very pigmented. I tested them and wore them with and without a makeup base. When I wore them without a makeup base, they creased after about 4-5 hours. I have to mention that I have oily eyelids and can not wear eyeshadow without a primer. But I think a person with more dry eyelids can manage without applying a primer.
My favorite color is definitely Dirty Talk, a very shimmery and very pigmented copper shade. It is, from my point of view, the richest shade in the whole palette.
I recommend this palette because it is indeed a very versatile and pigmented palette and during fall-winter you will use it very often. I also recommend it to people with light green eyes and especially blue ones.
How many of you tried the palette? What do you think about it?
Your Internet Best Friend
A venit momentul sa va vorbesc despre noua paleta Naked Heat de la Urban Decay. De-alungul vremii au aparut mai multe palete Naked, dar toate au cam fost in zona de nuante neutre. Aceasta este prima paleta care are culori calde, mai vibrante. Cred ca as putea spune ca este paleta mea preferata dintre toate din colectia Naked.
Ca si celelalte palete, are 12 nuante, 7 sunt mate, iar 5 sidefate. Fardurile au aceeasi calitate ca si celelalte palete, sunt cremoase la atingere, se estompeaza foarte usor si sunt foarte pigmentate. Le-am testat si le-am purtat si cu baza de machiaj, dar si fara. Cand le-am purtat fara baza de machiaj, dupa cam 4-5 ore s-au strans in pliu. Trebuie sa mentionez ca eu am pleoape care se ingrasa destul de mult pe timpul zilei si nu pot purta farduri fara baza. Dar cred ca o persoana cu pleoape mai uscate, poate scapa fara sa aplice o baza de machiaj.
Nuanta mea preferata este cu siguranta Dirty Talk, un cupru foarte sidefat si foarte pigmentat. Este, din punctul meu de vedere, cea mai bogata nuanta din intreaga paleta.
Eu recomand aceasta paleta pentru ca este intr-adevar o paleta foarte variata, pigmentata si in perioada toamna-iarna o sa o folositi foarte des. De asemenea o recomand persoanelor cu ochi verzi deschis si mai ales cei albastrii.
Cate dintre voi au incercat paleta? Ce parere aveti despre ea?
Your Internet Best Friend