I just got back from a boat trip in Greece with Odyseea Sailing (a vlog about that is coming real soon) and I’m trying to get back into things as quick as I can, because this Saturday I’m leaving again. This time it’s a family vacation, also in Greece.
I know that the last days of summer are almost over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy them to the fullest. At least that’s my plan. So I thought about what fun things you can do this weekend! Here they are!
1. Picnic
Take your friends and go have a picnic. You don’t have to plan that much. some sandwiches, water, soda and a blanket. enjoy the outdoors because your going to miss them!
2. Walk in the park
If you’re the kind of person that doesn’t have that much time, a relaxing walk in the park is just perfect for you. Even if you have to work on weekends, a little break from all that will do you good.
3. Roadtrip
Take the train or your car early in the morning and go somewhere. It doesn’t have to be far away from home, you don’t have to spend money on accomodation. A quick runaway will be so much fun!
4. Pool
Why not enjoy the last days of summer by the pool, working on that perfect tan? But remember to use sun protection!
5. Barbeque
This is similar with the picnic idea, but the whole purpose of a barbeque is the entire ritual of preparing the food. Usually guys love to show of their barbeque skills, so the girls can enjoy watching and being pampered!
And this outfit that I shot is perfect for any of these weekend activities!
Levi’s T-shirt
Levi’s shorts
Asos belt
Dior sunnies
Superga shoes
Photographer: Elena Cornila
Your Internet Best Friend
Tocmai ce m-am intors dintr-o excursie cu barca in Grecia, cu cei Odyseea Sailing (un vlog despre asta vine in curand) si incerc sa ma intorc la treaba cat de repede pot, pentru ca sambata plec din nou. De data aceasta este o vacanta de familie, de asemenea in Grecia.
Stiu ca ultimele zile de vara s-au terminat aproape, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu ne putem bucura pe deplin de ele. Cel putin asta e planul meu. Asa ca m-am gandit la ce lucruri distractive puteti face acest weekend!
1. Picnic
Luati-va prietenii si mergeti la un picnic. Nu trebuie sa planificati in amanunt. Cateva sandvisuri, apa, sucuri si o patura. Bucurati-va e locurile in aer liber, pentru ca o sa va lipseasca!
2. Plimbare in parc
Daca sunteti tipul de persoana care nu are atat de mult timp, o plimbare relaxanta in parc este perfecta pentru voi. Chiar daca trebuie sa lucrati la sfarsit de saptamana, o mica pauza de la toate va va face bine.
3. Roadtrip
Luati trenul sau masina dis de dimineata si mergeti undeva. Nu trebuie sa fie departe de casa, nu trebuie sa cheltuiti bani pentru cazare. O fuga rapida va fi atat de distractiva!
4. Piscina
De ce sa nu va bucurati de ultimele zile de vara langa piscina, obtinand bronzul perfect? Dar nu uitati sa folositi protectie solara!
5. Gratar
Acest lucru este similar cu ideea de picnic, dar intregul scop al unui gratar este tot ritualul de preparare a mancarii. De obicei, baietiilor le place sa isi arate abilitatile de master chef, astfel incat fetele se pot bucura de rasfat!
Iar aceasta tinuta pe care am pozat-o este perfecta pentru oricare din activitatile de weekend!
Ce port:
Tricou Levi’s
Blugi scurti Levi’s
Curea Asos
Ochelari Dior
Tenesi Superga
Fotograf: Elena Cornila
Your Internet Best Friend
1 comment
Totally agree, love the jeans.