Salutare dragile mele fete!
Saptamana trecuta am fost la lansarea unei noi colectii de la The Body Shop, speciala pentru Valentine’s Day. Lansarea a avut loc in magazinul The Body Shop din Promenada Mall.
Hello my darlings!
Last week I was at the launch of a new collection from The Body Shop, a special one for Valentine’s Day. The launch took place at The Body Shop store in Promenade Mall.
La eveniment ni s-au prezentat produsele, ni s-a explicat cum functioneaza, ce efect au, cum se aplica, etc. Acolo m-am intalnit si cu alte bloggerite si dupa am si iesit la o cafea ca fetele ( se pare ca este un sindrom printre noi, un fel de obsesie pentru cafeaua de la Starbucks… )
Gama Smoky Poppy este o gama de produse avand ingredientul principal macul. Ador mirosul produselor pentru ca este foarte intens, nu este nici dulce, dar nici prea fresh, dar cel mai bine va duceti sa le mirositi ( stiti ca nu ma pricep sa descriu prea bine mirosurile…).
At the event they showcased their products to us, explained how they works, the effects, how to apply them, etc. There I met other bloggers and after we went for a coffee just us girls (apparently there is a syndrome among us, a kind of obsession with Starbucks coffee…)
The Smoky Poppy Range is a range of products with poppy as the main ingredient. I love the smell, it’s very intense, it is neither sweet nor too fresh, but it’s best you and smell them (you know I’m not good at describing smells…).
HR Smoky Poppy ShowerGel-1 HR_INSPOPJ014
Gelul de dus este super, pe langa mirosul specific gamei, este negru!! Trebuie sa fie foarte tare sa te speli cu el 😛
The shower gel is super, besides the “flavor” range it’s black !! It must be very awkward to wash yourself with it 😛
HR Smoky Poppy BathBombs-1 HR_INSPOPJ009
Capsulele acestea de baie le am si eu si trebuie sa va spun ca va relaxeaza totaaaaaal…
I own these bath bombs and I must tell you they will tooooootally relax you …
Untul de corp are consistenta specifica unturilor de la The Body Shop, este foarte hidratant si mirosul… ador mirosul!
The body butter has the specific consistency like all The Body Shop body butters, it is very moisturizing and the smell … I love the smell!
Smoky Poppy B Butter Open 2949-088 HR_INSPOPJ016
Exfoliantul este unul din produsele care ma atrage foarte mult. Ce este special la el este ca acesta contine seminte de mac adevarate!
The scrub is one of the products that attracts me the most. What is special about it is that it contains real poppy seeds!
HR Smoky Poppy MassageOil-1d HR_INSPOPJ013
Iar produsul care pe mine m-a dat pe spate… uleiul de masaj! Foarte hidratant, un miros puternic. Acest ulei este foarte indicat pentru Valentine 😀
And the product that occured to me the most… the massage oil! Very moisturizing, has a very strong scent to it. This oil is great for Valentine 😀
Daca doriti sa faceti cadou cuiva acest set de produse, cei de la The Body Shop, asa cum ne-au obisnuit, au seturi special facute pentru a fi oferite in dar. De la mic la mare, de la un pret mai scazut la unul mai ridicat.
Eu chiar astazi ma duc sa-mi cumpar uleiul de masaj si cu siguranta am sa revin cu review-uri pentru voi. Voi ce ati cumpara din aceasta gama? Iar daca ati achizitionat deja un produs, ce imi puteti spune despre el?
Nu uitati de ruj!
If you wish to make someone a special gift, The Body Shop, as we have become accustomed, have special sets designed to be offered as a gift. From small to large, from a lower price at a higher one.
Today I am going to buy the massage oil and I definitely will get back to you with a review. What would you buy from this range? And if you have already purchased a product, what can you tell me about it?
Do not forget the lipstick!
buna ziua.sunt din constanta,as dori sa stiu unde pot gasi aceste produse.smoky poppy. astept raspuns. o zi frumoasa.