I’m starting my autumn outfits with this lovely denim dress that I fell in love with. I paired it up with a denim jacket, to obtain that denim on denim look, a black cap from H&M and some black leather boots. I simply love this look! It has a girly vibe to it. And I must say, I don’t usually like dresses this length on me, but this one just works so well!
Leather boots
Photographer: Melika Khodamm
your internet best friend
Incep postarile de toamna cu aceasta rochie frumoasa de denim, de care m-amindragostit. Am asortat-o cu o jacheta de denim, pentru a obtine acest look denim pe denim, o palarie neagra de la H & M si niste cizme din piele neagra. Pus si simplu ador tinuta! Are un vibe foarte feminin si jucaus. Si trebuie sa va zic ca, de obicei, nu-mi plac rochiile asa de lungi, dar aceasta arata foarte bine!
Ce port:
Bocanci piele
Fotograf: Melika Khodamm
your internet best friend