Every time I smell this cream I think of something fresh, delicate, I think of nature, fresh air. That’s what this product tells me. I’m the kind of woman who has a story for each product. A scenario. Where would I use it? How would I be? In what circumstances? Whatever we feel, smell, touch teaches and tells us something. Each has something to say.
De fiecare data cand miros crema ma gandesc la ceva fresh, delicat, la natura, aer proaspat. Asta imi inspira mie acest produs. Sunt genul de femeie care are o poveste pentru fiecare produs. Un scenariu. Unde l-as folosi? Cum as fi eu? In ce circumstante? Orice simtim, mirosim, atingem ne spune, ne transmite ceva. Pentru ca fiecare lucru are ceva de spus.
For me the emulsion Benefit Triple Performing is for when I want to feel casual, fresh, free and carefree. It’s for walks in the forest, for meditation in nature, for moments with me.
Pentru mine emulsia Benefit Triple Performing este pentru momentele in care vreau sa ma simt lejera, fresh, libera si fara griji. Este pentru plimbarile in padure, pentru meditatia in natura, momentele cu mine.
When applying the product, a feeling of freshness hits me firstly. The scent is refreshing and no matter how badly I started my morning, it makes me relax. The emulsion is watery, loose and so easy to apply. I love that it sinks in the skin immediately and I do not have to wait to enjoy the day that expects me. After applying it to my skin feels soft and smooth. And the effect follows me all day. Although it has a SPF 15, I would not count on it. After all, this is not the purpose.
The purpose of this emulsion is to relax you, to beautifuly hydrate your skin and to sneak in everyone’s morning routine. It caught me, how abot you?
Atunci cand aplic produsul, ma loveste mai intai sentimentul de prospetime. Mirosul este racoritor si indiferent de cat de prost mi-am inceput dimineata, acesta reuseste sa ma relaxeze. Emulsia este apoasa, lejera, atat de usor de aplicat. Imi place ca intra imediat in piele si nu ma obliga sa astept sa ma bucur de ziua ce ma asteapta. Dupa aplicare imi simt pielea moale, catifelata. Si efectul ma urmareste intreaga zi. Desi are un factor de protectie de 15, nu m-as baza pe el. Pana la urma, nu acesta este scopul.
Scopul acestei emulsii este sa te destinda, sa iti hidrateze frumos pielea si usor usor sa se strecoare in rutina de dimineata a fiecaruia. Pe mine m-a prins, pe voi?