Do you know those thousands of photos on Instagram with fit, good looking girls that pose next to a bag of tea on which it says “skinny” or “detox”? Don’t you want to say “yeah, sure!” Not long ago I received these tea based products from Nudey to try them out. I have to admit I was very sceptic at the beginning. The words “tea” and “detox” didn’t go together in my head. But I said oh well, I won’t die 2 weeks if I try them out.
My first attempt to try this program, around the end of summer, failed because I had a super chaotic schedule and I just couldn’t remember “oh, I need to drink my tea now!” But about a month ago, I said I need to try them out because 2017 is around the corner and I still have no opinion about them. Oh well, I was surprised! After 2 weeks I feel light, energetic and full of vitality although I had a full schedule (filming tons of hours, travelling, working until 3am and so on). I’ve noticed that my skin is more hydrated and my complexion is very luminous. I haven’t noticed a big difference with my weight, but that’s because I really have no problems in that area. But I’ve noticed that my cravings have disappeared. Before, if I saw sweets, I would go craaaaaaazy!!!
The Daytime tea is the one you need to drink during the day. It’s the one that detoxifies the body, the so called “teatox”. It has a very pleasant taste and it’s easy to drink. I just drink it during the day, when I remember, but not at a specific hour.
The Boost tea is an energising one. Even the packaging suggests that. I think this one should be drunk around 3pm-4pm when you get tired and lose your energy. I tried to drink it when I felt sleepy or tired, but not every day. I still have some left and I’m going to continue to drink it when I feel the need.
The Bedtime tea is obviously the one you drink before bed. This one helps you “lose” while you sleep. Again I need to mention that not having weight problems, I couldn’t observe a noticeable difference, but it’s very nice to drink before you go to sleep. And I drank it every night, before bedtime. It has a reddish colour, I guess from the roiboos.
He-tox is a detox tea for men. Yes, they also have a product just for them :p It’s a citrusy-fuity tea, very delicious. I didn’t finish this one, because I had the green one, but I think I am going to drink it, because I’m sure there is no harm, even if it is for men. But I think we need to appreciate that there is a product especially designed for them (even in a dark, manly colour :p)
Overall I had a nice experience with these teas. But I need to mention that you will have this nice feeling and you will feel ok only if you associate them with a healthy diet and a workout plan. These teas are not wonder products, they are plants that will help your body to function better, they will give you a boost but they will not melt down kilograms if you don’t take care of yourself. Don’t expect to lose weight while eating french fries and cheesecake! But if you want to help your body and eventually lose around 2-3 kilograms, I think these teas are a good choice, especially because they help with cravings. If you are interested in buying the products, you can find them on the Nudey Detox website.
My darlings did you try this kind of detox teas? Did you enjoy them?
Your Internet Best Friend
Stiti acele zeci de mii de poze cu fete fit, bine facute care pozeaza langa o punga de ceai pe care scrie “skinny” sau “detox”? Nu-i asa ca va vine sa spuneti “da mai bine, sigur!” Nu cu mult timp in urma am primit aceste ceaiuri de la Nudey sa le incerc. Recunosc ca am fost foarte sceptica la inceput. Cuvintele “ceai” si “detox” nu se potriveau foarte bine in capul meu. Insa am zis ca nu voi muri 2 saptamani daca le incerc.
Prima incercare de a tine acest program, cam pe la sfarsitul verii, a esuat deoarece am avut un program atat de haotic, ca efectiv nu mi-a stat gandul la “ah, trebuie sa-mi beau ceaiul”. Insa acum o luna aproximativ am spus ca este cazul sa le incerc ca altfel ma apuca 2017 si eu tot nu am o parere despre ele. Ei bine sunt foarte surprinsa! Dupa 2 saptamani ma simt lejera, energica si plina de viata desi am avut un program extrem de incarcat (filmari de zeci de ore, calatorit, muncit pana la 3 dimineata etc). Am observat ca pielea este mai hidratata si tenul mai luminos. Din punct de vedere al kilogramelor nu pot spune ca am observat mari diferente deoarece eu oricum nu aveam probleme cu kilogramele. Dar am observat ca nu am mai avut asa mari pofte. Eu, care inainte daca imi aratai ceva dulce, trebuia sa ma pui in camasa de forta!!!
Ceaiul Daytime este cel care trebuie baut pe timpul zilei. Este cel care detoxifiaza organismul si este “teatox’ul” propriuzis. Are un gust placut si este foarte usor de baut. Eu sincer am avut grija sa il beau pe timpul zilei, dar nu am respectat sa il beau la o anumita ora.
Ceaiul Boost este unul energizant. Sincer si ambalajul sugereaza acest lucru. Acesta cred ca ar trebui baut in jurul orei 15:00-16:00 cand ne cam ia somnul pe toti si ne pierdem din energie. Eu sincer am incercat sa-l beau atunci cand ma simteam ma somnoroasa sau mai obosita, dar nu l-am baut chiar in fiecare zi. Inca mai am pliculete si le voi folosi in continuare atunci cand ma simt obosita.
Ceaiul Bedtime este evident un ceai care se bea inainte de culcare. Acesta te ajuta sa mai “pierzi” in timpul somnului. Din nou mentionez ca eu neavand mari probleme cu kilogramele, nu am putut observa o diferenta semnificativa, dar cu siguranta este foarte placut sa-l bei inainte de somn. Si chiar l-am baut in fiecare seara, exact inainte de culcare. Are un gust foarte placut si este rosiatic, banuiesc ca de la roiboos.
He-tox este un ceai de detox pentru barbati. Da, au si eu un produs dedicat :p Este un ceai citric-fructat, foarte delicios. Pe acesta inca nu l-am terminat, deoarece il aveam pe cel verde, dar cred ca il voi bea, deoarece sunt sigura ca nu imi poate face rau, chiar daca este pentru barbati. Dar cred ca este foarte de apreciat ca exista un produs si pentru ei (chiar intr-o culoare inchisa, manly :p)
Per total am avut o experienta buna cu aceste ceaiuri. Dar tin sa va mentionez ca veti avea un feeling bun si va veti simti ok doar asociindu-le cu o dieta sanatoasa si cu miscare. Aceste ceaiuri nu sunt produse minune, sunt niste plante care va vor ajuta organismul sa funtioneze cum trebuie, va vor da un boost dar nu vor topi kilogramele daca voi nu aveti grija in rest. Nu va asteptati sa slabiti cine stie cat in timp ce mancati cartofi prajiti si amandine! Dar daca vreti sa va ajutati organismul si eventual sa pierdeti 2-3 kilograme, cred ca aceste ceaiuri chiar sunt o alegere buna, mai ales ca ajuta si cu pofta de mancare. Daca sunteti interesate de produse, ele pot fi comandate de pe site-ul Nudey Detox.
Dragile mele voi ati mai incercat astfel de ceaiuri detox? Cum vi s-au parut?
Your Internet Best Friend