On our last day in NYC we went for a long walk. We saw Soho, went just outside Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment and ate at the most amazing restaurant in Soho. I wore an amazing leather jacket I own! I love it because you can wear a simple, all black outfit, like I did, and stand out from a million just by adding this statement jacket to your outfit.
New York was an amazing experience. I just can’t describe the feeling, but for sure it is a destination that should be on your wishlist! I feel extremely lucky because I had the chance to make this trip and the whole experience energized me so much and gave me the ambition to want to realize big things. Be prepared because this year I have a different energy and I want us to do great things together!
H&M black jeans ( similar )
Zara turtleneck
Your Internet Best Friend
In ultima noastra zi in NYC am fost sa la o plimbare lunga prin oras. Am vizitat Soho, am fost si am vazut apartamentul lui Carrie Bradshaw si am mancat la cel mai dragut restaurant in Soho. Am purtat o gecaa de piele superba! O iubesc pentru ca poti sa ai o tinuta all black, simpla, cum am purtat eu, si sa iesi in evidenta doar prin adaugarea gecii asteia tinutei tale.
New York-ul a fost o experienta absolut minunata. Nu pot s ava descriu sentimentul, dar cu siguranta este o destinatie de trecut pe wishlist! Ma simt extrem de norocoasa ca am avut ocazia sa fac calatoria asta si toata experienta m-a energizat foarte mult si m-a ambitionat sa vreau sa realizez lucruri cat mai marete. Pregatiti-va ca anul acesta am o energie diferita si vreau sa facem lucruri minunate impreuna!
Ce port:
Blugi H&M ( similar )
Maleta Zara
Your Internet Best Friend