Hey ladies!
January has passed and nearly half of February, you blink 5 times and it’s already May 1st, and you’re buying tickets to Sunwaves. In most cases, no matter how much we want to go to the gym, we can not afford to lose at least an hour in traffic for 2 hours of gym work.
In the morning I walk my dogs, I do some exercise, take a shower, eat, and then get ready to go to work. But to do all this I would need about 3 hours, 3 hours and a half every morning. But I don’t always have the time, especially during the week. Desperately, I pushed myself to find solutions to some fitness exercises in the morning and still get into work on time.
Squats while brushing your teeth
That time is a dead time in which you can move your legs. Do some squats with your legs apart to work those glutes and legs.
Work your abs while boiling your tea
While waiting fot the water to boil, plus, you can do some exercises for the abdomen. The easiest and the one that I recommend because it can be done even in the kitchen is the following: stand up and touch your left knee with your right elbow lifting your leg as high as possible and vice versa. Alternate the movement and do 2-3 sets of 30 reps!
Balance your body while drying your hair
While you style your hair you just stand there and do nothing.Why not try to stand on one leg, then switch to the other. Keeping your balance will work your leg muscles, abdomen muscles and even your buttocks!
Work that ass on the phone!
If you’re the busy kind of person, which receives business calls first thing in the morning, why not take advantage of that dead time you talk on the phone. Stand up and tighten your buttocks, then relax them. Repeat this movement throughout the conversation. This exercise can be also done while cooking, at a line, on the bus or subway, almost anywhere you stand 🙂
I hope these little tricks will help you and I will definitely return with other sports and health tips.
Do not forget the lipstick!
Hei ladies!
A trecut luna ianuarie, a trecut si aproape jumatate din februarie, mai clipim de 5 ori si e 1 mai, iar noi ne cumparam biletele la Sunwaves. De cele mai multe ori, indiferent de cat de mult ne-am dori sa mergem la sala, nu ne permitem sa pierdem cel putin o ora in trafic plus 2 ore la sala.
Dimineata plimb cateii, fac sport, fac un dus, mananc, ma aranjez si apoi plec la serviciu. Dar ca sa fac toate acestea mi-ar trebui cam 3 ore, 3 ore si jumatate in fiecare dimineata. Dar nu intotdeauna am acest timp, mai ales in timpul saptamanii. Din “disperare” m-am impins sa gasesc solutii catre a face totusi miscare dimineata si sa pot ajunge si la timp la serviciu.
Genuflexiuni in timp ce te speli pe dinti
Timpul acela este un timp mort in care iti poti misca picioarele. Genuflexiunile cu picioarele departate iti lucreaza fesierii si ai timp de cateva serii bune cat iti faci igiena orala.
Lucreaza abdomenul in timp ce se fierbe ceaiul
Cat astepti sa se fiarba apa, plus cat sta pliculetul de ceai in cana, poti face cateva exercitii pentru abdomen. Cel mai simplu si cel pe care il recomand pentru ca poate fi facut chiar in bucatarie este urmatorul: stai in picioare si cu cotul drept atingi genunchiul stang ridicand piciorul cat mai sus posibil si invers. Alternezi miscarea, iar 2-3 serii a cate 30 de repetari este perfect!
Balanseaza-ti corpul in timp ce iti usuci parul
In timp ce iti coafezi parul oricum stai in picioare si nu faci nimic. De ce nu incerci sa stai intr-un picior, apoi sa schimbi cu celalalt. Tinandu-ti echibrilul astfel, lucreaza muschii piciorului, abdomenul, chiar si muschii fesieri.
Work that ass la telefon!
Daca esti genul de persoana ocupata, care primeste telefoane in interes de serviciu de la prima ora a diminetii, de ce sa nu profiti de timpul acela mort cat vorbesti la telefon. Stai in picioare si incordeaza muschii fesieri, apoi relaxeaza-i. Repeta miscarea asta cat are loc conversatia. Acest exercitiu poate fi facut cand gatesti, cat stai la o coada, in autobuz sau metrou, aproape oriunde stai in picioare 🙂
Sper ca va ajuta aceste mici trucuri si am sa revin cu siguranta si cu alte sfaturi legate de sport si sanatate.
Nu uitati de ruj!
supeeeeeer woman ce esti tu! iau notite si ma apuc imediat sa imi ocup acele timpuri moarte. te pup :*
asa asa asa!!!! foarte bine, chiar vei observa diferente !