ENGLISH: I recently received this product from Collistar. Being the curious person that I am, I open it. Interesting. A sculpting product. The bronzer I loved from the start, because it’s matte, but the illuminator seemed matte as well. Not my taste. Not being impressed at first by the product, I put it on the shelf, telling myself I will someday test it.
ROMANA: Recent am primit acest produs de la Collistar. Curioasa din fire, il deschid indata. Interesant. Un produs pentru conturarea fetei. Bronzerul inca din ambalaj mi-a placut, fiind mat. Insa iluminatorul mi-a parut tot mat. Nu chiar pe gustul meu. Nefiind impresionata de produs la prima vedere, l-am asezat pe raft, spunadu-mi ca il voi incerca zilele urmatoare.
ENGLISH:This morning I remembered about it and I said to my self that I have to at least try it. As I was reaching for the product with my brush, my scepticism was growing. “Let’s see”. I apply the bronzer. It blends really well. I was looking in the mirror achieving the perfect shadow. I liked the bronzer from the beginning. My doubt was regarding the matte illuminator. A simple skintoned powder. “So special”.
ROMANA: Azi dimineata mi-am adus aminte de el. Si mi-am facut curaj sa il incerc. In timp ce apropiam pensula de produs, simteam cum scepticismul meu infloreste. “Hai sa vedem”. Aplic bronzerul. Se intinde si se estompeaza cu o lejeritate incredibila. Ma uitam in oglinda cum obtineam umbra perfecta. Bronzerul imi placuse din prima. Indoiala mea era in legatura cu iluminatorul mat. O simpla pudra in culoarea pielii. “Vai ce special”.
ENGLISH: A little bit unsure, I applied the illuminator as well. I tilt my head from side to side to realize that I see nothing. No sparkle. Nothing. Though my skin was shining. It had a different glow. A natural one. I didn’t understand. Just to bee sure what was happening, I applied the product to my hand. Yes. No sparkle. I was right. Still, even my hand had that beautiful, healthy and fresh glow.
ROMANA: Am aplicat si iluminatorul. Usor nedumerita, intorc capul in diferite directii pentru a putea vedea daca se vede ceva. Nu era nimic sidefat. Nimic. In schimb, pielea lucea. Avea o stralucire. Acel “glow” natural. Nu intelegeam. Ca sa fiu sigura si sa inteleg ce se intampla, mi-am aplicat produsul si pe mana. Da. Nici un sidef. Aveam dreptate. Dar totusi, chiar si mana mea prinsese acel “glow” frumos, sanatos si fresh.
ENGLISH:I’m not my place to tell you about the technology they used to create this product and the miracle behind it, but it is certain that I’m so excited about it. I instantly wished to write about it and tell you guys. The product states: “Colours, sculpts, brightens”. And it does. The effect is very natural. The product blends easily. I recommend to be careful not to apply too much bronzer because it’s very pigmented.
I was truly surprised about the result and once again appearances can be deceiving.
ROMANA: Nu sunt in masura sa va spun exact ce tehnologie s-a folosit pentru acest produs si care este minunea din spate, cert este ca sunt atat de entuziasmata de el ca mi-am dorit imediat sa scriu si sa va povestesc. Produsul spune asa: “Colours, sculpts, brightens”. Si asta si face. Efectul este foarte natural. Produsul se estompeaza foarte usor. Va recomand sa aveti grija sa nu aplicati mult bronzer, fiind foarte pigmentat.
Am fost complet uimita de rezultat si inca o data se adevereste ca aparentele inseala.
1 comment
Da, cred ca rezultatul final a fost WAW, deoarece este de la COLLISTAR. O firma de renume care produce produse de cea mai buna calitate , considerate ca fiind, pe buna dreptate, produse de LUX. Datorita calitatii produsului efectul final a fost WAW. Eu ador aceasta marca de produse , precum si produsele.