” the condition of being physically fit and healthy”
That’s the definition of fitness. But what does it actually mean?
I’m just going to tell you what it means for me. For me, it’s the way I keep my body healthy, the way I keep it looking beautiful and attractive. It’s the way I spend time with friends and with my life partner. It’s the way I have fun. It’s a hobby. It’s a lifestyle choice. It’s the way I relax every morning.
Fitness helped me feel even better about the way I look and it made me feel more energetic every day. I have now strength to do more stuff in a day and the drive to keep going further every day. This new choice of mine to workout every day is really in sync with my go to “quote” – #LMneverstops. It just fits perfectly in my life.
I wanted to exercise for a long time, tried many times to go to the gym and frankly I only managed to be this consistent since I joined Tribul. I promise you you will hear much more about them and what I do there because I’m really excited about every thing that happens there.
“conditia de a fi fizic tonifiat si sanatos”
Aceasta este definitia fitness-ului. Dar ce inseamna defapt?
Am sa va spun ce inseamna pentru mine. Pentru mine este modul in care imi mentin corpul sanatos, modul in care il mentin sa arate frumos si atragator. Este modul in care imi petrec timp cu prietenii si cu partenerul de viata. Este modul in care ma distrez. Este un hobby. Este alegere a stilului de viata. Este modul in care ma relaxez in fiecare dimineata.
Fitness-ul m-a ajutat sa ma simt si mai bine cu privire la aspectul meu si m-a facut sa ma simt mai energica in fiecare zi. Acum am putere sa realizez mai multe si sunt ambitionata sa merg si mai departe in fiecare zi. Aceasta decizie a mea de a face sport in fiecare zi se potriveste perfect cu “quote-ul” meu – LMneverstops. Pur si simplu se potriveste perfect in viata mea de zi cu zi.
De mult timp mi-am dorit sa fiu mai activa, am incercat de multe ori sa merg constant la sala, dar sincer am fost serioasa si consecventa de cand am intrat in Trib. Va promit ca veti auzi foarte multe despre ei in urmatoarea perioada si despre ce fac eu acolo pentru ca sunt foarte entuziasmata de tot ce se intampla acolo.
I hope to inspire you to make the same choice, to include fitness in your life, eat well and be passionate about taking care of your body.
Sper sa va inspir si pe voi sa luati aceeasi decizie, sa inlcudeti sportul in viata voastra, sa mancati sanatos si sa fiti pasionate de a avea grija de corpul vostru.
Photographer: Tiberiu Arsene
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