I have to say the best mornings are those when I wake up alone, without the clock’s alarm ringing. I get out of bed, I check my Instagram and eventually lie a little bit on the couch before preparing breakfast.
Today I want to talk about the Iehana products. Iehana Luxury Cosmetics is a 100% natural luxury products range. The wonder ingredient is Kangen water, a very strong anti-oxidant.
Recunosc ca cele mai frumoase dimineti sunt cele in care ma trezesc singura din somn, fara sa fiu trezita de alarma ceasului. Ma ridic din pat, imi controlez Instagramul si eventual mai lenevesc putin pe canapea inainte sa ma apuc de micul dejun.
Astazi insa va vorbesc despre cosmeticele Iehana. Iehana Luxury Cosmetics este o gama de produse 100% naturale de lux. Ingredientul minune din aceste produse este apa Kangen, un puternic anti-oxidant.
Medeea sent me a while back a face cream and a face soap to try out. I loved her enthusiasm about the products. For me it was a sign that these products are made with passion, that she believes in them and that made me even more curious.
I used the cream in the morning and in the evening, but mostly at night-time, before going to bed, to hydrate my skin over night. Although initially I was scared because it seemed it was going to make my skin oily, after only a few moments the cream sank into the skin and disappeared. My face was hydrated and nourished. I love it because I wake up in the morning with a radiant skin after using it. Even though I try a lot of products and I have a whole cabinet full of creams, this one quickly became one of my favourites. It is one of the creams I always go back to when I want a radiant and nourished face.
The soap cleanses the skin very well and doesn’t dry it out. It leaves my face clean. The smell is a herbal one, I don’t even know how to describe it, but it invigorates you. I used it morning and night.
Medeea mi-a trimis acum ceva timp o crema pentru ten gras si un sapun de fata. Mi-a placut entuziasmul ei legat de produse. Pentru mine a fost un semn ca aceste produse chiar sunt facute din pasiune, ca ea crede in ele si mi-a trezit si mai mult interesul.
Crema am folosit-o uneori dimineata, uneori seara, dar mai mult seara, inainte de culcare, ca sa-mi hidratez tenul peste noapte. Desi initial m-am speriat ca parea ca imi va ingrasa tenul, dupa doar cateva momente crema a intrat bine in piele si nu a ramas nici o pelicula pe ten. Tenul meu se simtea hidratat si hranit. Imi place tare mult ca dimineata ma trezesc cu un ten luminos atunci cand o folosesc. Desi testez destule produse si am un dulap intreg de creme, recunosc ca aceasta a intrat foarte repede printre preferatele mele. Este una dintre cremele la care ma intorc atunci cand vreau un ten hranit si luminos.
Sapunul curata foarte frumos tenul si nu il deshidrateaza. Il lasa curat. Mirosul este unul “herbal”, nici nu stiu cum sa vi-l descriu, dar te revigoreaza. Il folosesc dimineata si seara.
I admit that for me the packaging is very important. When I use something, I want an experience, a story. I want to play a role in the story that the product creates around me. And Iehana surely does that.
I invite you with all my heart to become a #IehanaLady (like Medeea likes to call us). I am pleasantly surprised by this experience.
Recunosc ca pentru mine este foarte important ambalajul unui produs. Atunci cand folosesc ceva, imi doresc o experienta, o poveste. Vreau sa simt ca joc un rol in povestea pe care acel produs o creeaza in jurul meu. Iar Iehana cu siguranta reuseste sa faca acest lucru.
Va invit cu draga inima sa deveniti o #IehanaLady (cum ii place Medeei sa ne spuna). Eu am ramas placut surprinsa de experienta.
Your Internet Best Friend
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