Hey cuties!
Valentine’s knocking on our door and in the spirit of love I chose 5 products for the big day, all of them with rose scented, the flowers of love.
Hei cuties!
Valentine-ul ne bate la usa si in spiritul “indragostelii” am ales 5 produse pentru marea zi, toate cu aroma de trandafiri, florile dragostei.
1. The Body Shop Atlas Mountain Rose Body Butter
This body butter besides moisturizing properties, offers a subtle scent of roses, perfect for sniffing!
Acest unt de corp pe langa proprietatile de hidratare ofera si un miros subtil de trandafiri, numai bun de adulmecat!
2. Crema de maini Sabon Lavender-Rose
Also on the hydration topic, I recommend this cream for the hands. The smell of roses is combined with lavender, offering complete relaxation. One can reapply during the date for those velvet hands!
Tot in tematica hidratarii intra si crema aceaasta de maini. Mirosul de trandafiri este combinat cu cel de lavanda, oferind o relaxare completa. O puteti reaplica pe timpul date-ului pentru maini ca de catifea!
3. Eaudemoiselle de Givenchy
For that feminine and elegant smell I recommend this perfume. He will smell your femininity, sensuality and finesse with which Mother Nature has endowed you.
Pentru acel miros feminin si elegant va recomand acest parfum. Cand te va mirosi iti va simti feminitatea, senzualitatea si finetea cu care te-a inzestrat mama natura.
4. Blush Bourjois Rose D’Or
Yup! Peonies cheeks. Applied on the cheekbones and blended edges, will give that redness of shame effect. Ultra-cute!
Da! Bujori in obrajori. Aplicat fix pe pomete si estompate foarte bine marginile, va da acel efect de roseata de rusine. Ultra-cute!
5. Yankee Candle Fresh Cut Roses
And while you get ready for the big night, why not enjoy the smell of fresh cut roses ? The Yankee Candle offers this possibility.
Do not forget the lipstick!
Si de ce in timp ce te pregatesti sa nu te bucuri de mirosul trandafirilor proaspat taiati si pusi in vaza? Cei de la Yankee iti ofera posibilitatea aceasta prin lumanarea lor.
Nu uitati de ruj!