I woke up this morning thinking of this years vacation. Summer is almost here and I can’t help myself to dream about exotic destinations, swimsuits, sand under my feet and Pina Colada. So I started browsing some new destinations for this year and some ideas for the summer.
The first place I’m visiting this year is Istanbul at the end of April. It is going to be like a little birthday present. I have never been there so I’m very excited about it. And of course, about the great outfit pictures I’m going to shoot :))
Then I’m thinking of something more exotic like Zanzibar or Maldive. I’m not sure, but all I can think about is super blue water and white sand. That’s what I want. I would also love to swim with the dolphins and do as many fun activities as possible.
Last but not least I hope to visit my sister in Vietnam at the end of the year. She lives in Ho Chi Min. There are so many wonderful places to visit there and to see. And of course, I would be very close to Thailand, another great place!
Thinking about vacation destinations made me also think about what I should pack and prepare for the travel. For Istanbul , it’s simple. I’ll just have my wallet and a carry-on with some cute clothes and essential products.
For the others, I want to buy a new travel bag since my old one is pretty damaged. This time I’m very serious about it, I want a super cute one, that just by looking at it, will give me the relaxation feeling of a perfect vacation. Colours. Many colours!
Also I want to buy a bunch of new swimsuits. Black, blue, pink, green, red, all of them! And some new cool sunglasses (because you can never have to many).
M-am trezit de dimineata cu gandul la vacanta de anul acesta. Vara aproape a venit si nu ma pot abtine sa nu ma gandesc la destinatii exotice, costume de baie, nisip sub picioare si Pina Colada. Asa ca am inceput sa caut cateva destinatii pentru anul acesta si cateva idei pentru vara.
Primul loc pe care il vizitez anul acesta este Istanbul, la sfarsitul lui Aprilie. O sa fie ca un mic cadou de ziua mea. Nu am fost niciodata acolo, asa ca sunt foarte incantata. Si, desigur, de pozele frumoase pentru tinute pe care le voi face :))
Apoi ma gandesc la ceva mai exotic cum ar fi Zanzibar sau Maldive. Nu sunt inca sigura, dar ma gandesc doar la o apa foarte albastra si nisip alb. Asta imi doresc. De asemenea mi-ar placea sa inot cu delfinii si sa ma implic in tot felul de activitati distractive.
Ultima, dar nu cea din urma, ar fi sa-mi vizitez sora in Vietam la sfarsitul anului. Ea locuieste in Ho Chi Min. Sunt atatea locuri frumoase de vizitat si de vazut acolo. Si sa nu uitam cat de aproape este Thailanda, o alta destinatie misto!
Gandindu-ma la destinatii de vacanta m-a facut sa ma gandesc de asemenea la ce mi-ar trebui pentru calatorie. Pentru Istanbul este simplu. Voi avea la mine portofelul si un bagaj de mana cu cateva tinute dragute si produsele esentiale.
Pentru celelalte, vreau sa imi cumpar o geanta de voiaj noua, cea veche fiind cam uzata. De data aceasta iau problema foarte in serios, vreau una foarte draguta, care doar uitandu-ma la ea sa-mi induca starea de relaxare a unei vacante perfecte. Culori. Multe culori!
De asemenea vreau sa-mi cumpar si costume de baie noi. Cat mai multe. Negru, albastru, roz, verde, rosu, toate! Si o pereche de ochelari de soare noi (niciodata nu poti avea suficienti).
That’s it for my vacation thoughts for this year. Make sure to follow my Instagram and Facebook page for updates, because now I have a travel section on the blog, so you will see more of my vacations.
Cam atat pentru gandurile mele de vacanta de anul acesta. Sa ma urmariti pe Instagram si Facebook pentru noutati, deoarece acum am si o sectiune de travel aici pe blog unde cu siguranta voi posta intamplari din vacanta.
Your Internet Best Friend
Photos: Pinterest
1 comment
FELICITĂR!!!!!!Faci o treaba foarte buna!!