Last weekend me and some friends took a short trip to Bulgaria. We stayed in a super nice apartment in Kavarna. We went to Cap Kaliakra to watch the sunset.
Cap Kaliakra is 60 km away from Vama Veche. Probably the most popular legend about the place is one about 40 Bulgarian girls, who preferred to tie their hair together and jump into the Black Sea rather than face the prospect of being captured by the Ottomans.
We sat there and watched the sea in peace. I was a very special moment. Although there were people around us, I felt like we were the only ones there. I felt very close to my friends and very lucky to know them and have the chance to have such experiences with them. That place really has a great energy and I recommend going there!
Weekend-ul trecut am fost cu prietenii intr-o mica excursie in Bulgaria. Ne-am cazat intr-un apartament in Kavarna. Ne-am dus si la Cap Kaliakra sa vedem apusul.
Cap Kaliakra este situat la 60 km de Vama Veche. Probabil cea mai populara legenda despre acest loc este despre 40 de fete, care au preferat sa isi lege parul unul de altul si sa sara in Marea Neagra decat sa fie capturate de otomani.
Am stat si am privit marea in liniste. A fost un moment foarte special. Desi mai era lume in jurul nostru, eu am simtit ca suntem doar noi acolo. M-am simtit foarte apropiata de prietenii mei si foarte norocoasa ca ii cunosc si ca am ocazia sa am o astfel de experienta cu ei. Intr-adevar acel loc are o energie aparte si va recomand sa mergeti sa il vizitati!
Photographers: Tiberiu Arsene & Costin Nicolae
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Sunteti superbi! Cap Kaliakra este intr-adevar un loc special, l-am vizitat acum vreo 3 ani si imi doresc sa mai ajung cel putin inca o data acolo.